1. The thief had turned tail before the police arrived.
1. 逃跑:turn sb loose 放松;放任 | turn tail 逃跑 | turn the tables 扭转局势
2. 避免麻烦或者困难:270. wear the pants 当家作主 | 271. turn tail 避免麻烦或者困难 | 272. turn one's head 被某种好运冲昏了头脑
3. 逃跑者;开小差的人;胆小鬼:the tail wags the dog主次颠倒 喧宾夺主 | turn tail 逃跑者;开小差的人;胆小鬼 | 9 do a double take心不在焉后突然注意而恍然大悟; 双重身份
4. 掉头就跑:[44]try out for 参加选拔 | [45]turn tail 掉头就跑 | [46]don't twist his tail,he is a bit on edge 别惹她,他正烦着呢
1. flee
take to one's heels
cut and run
e.g. If you see this man, run!
The burglars escaped before the police showed up
Synonym: scat run scarper lam run away hightail it bunk head for the hills take to the woods escape fly the coop break away