1. Hui said he is worried that the relationship between schools and parents will turn sour if schools refuse parental access to students'data.
2. After traveling with milk in their leather packs, they found at the end of the journey that the milk would turn sour.
3. turn sour的解释
3. Experience in the past indicates bilateral relations turn sour anytime Washington chooses to ignore or even impair China's core interests and major concerns.
4. But if lawmakers cannot pass legislation in the coming days, markets are likely to turn sour.
5. People's twilight years could turn sour if they are forced to follow the value standards of their children.
6. turn sour的解释
6. Villagers using the water to cook rice said the cooked rice would turn sour only two hours later.
7. Consider the practicalities and consequences - if things turn sour, you might have to move on.