turn back the clock

turn back the clock [tə:n bæk ðə klɔk]  [tɚn bæk ði klɑk] 

turn back the clock 基本解释

turn back the clock


turn back the clock 网络解释

1. 中文原唱:杜德伟<<时光倒流>:16 hero 中文原唱:林忆莲<<英雄>> | 17 turn back the clock 中文原唱:杜德伟<<时光倒流>> | 01. leo sayer-auld lang syne (友谊地久天长)

2. 把钟拨慢:turn away 不准...入内 | turn back the clock 把钟拨慢 | turn back 使停止往前

3. (杜德伟<时光倒流>:045.The color of the night(张信哲<<THE COLOR OF THE NIGHT>>) | 046.Turn back the clock (杜德伟<时光倒流>) | 047.Only you (罗家英)

4. 时光倒转:time shift 时空穿梭 | rejuvenation 返老还童 | turn back the clock 时光倒转

turn back the clock 单语例句

1. Asking China to turn back the clock on its growing role in the global economy is not the answer.

2. turn back the clock什么意思

2. The Hong Kong SAR government is to some extent now trying to turn back the clock and diversify the economy.

3. turn back the clock在线翻译

3. They fear Ahmadinejad will turn back the clock to the strictures and purges that followed the 1979 revolution.

4. They know how to push our buttons and turn back the clock.

5. Kim - who is currently single - also claims she is happy with her appearance and has no desire to turn back the clock.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Many people wonder whether Asia will turn back the clock on financial reforms in the wake of the current turmoil.

7. Any attempts to turn back the clock will be futile in the end.
