
turmoil [ˈtɜ:mɔɪl]  [ˈtɜ:rmɔɪl] 


turmoil 基本解释


名词混乱; 焦虑

turmoil 相关例句



1. The city was in a turmoil.

turmoil 网络解释

1. 混乱:H主席表示,政府已同意成立一个特别委员会,以提高行政效率、消除对企业重叠(叠床架屋)之规定,并确保在此国际经济混乱(turmoil)之际,对策略性商品之供应无缺,主要系因现行对企业投资之规定遭到扭曲(twisting).

2. 动荡不安:可是但到了19世纪中叶,由于中国的动荡不安(turmoil),来自于西部的压力和内部反叛(internal rebellion)导致了在外蒙古的日益沉重和昂贵的行政管理机构几乎失效.

3. 骚动:turmeric 沉金 | turmoil 骚动 | turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹

4. 骚动,混乱:tumult#骚动 | turmoil#骚动;混乱 | twig#小枝

turmoil 词典解释

1. 混乱;动荡;骚乱;恐慌
    Turmoil is a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.

    e.g. ...the political turmoil in South Africa.
    e.g. Her marriage was in turmoil...

turmoil 单语例句

1. turmoil是什么意思

1. The financial turmoil has hurt the company's highway business markedly commencing with the fourth quarter.

2. turmoil什么意思

2. Turmoil and chaos have been a byproduct of oil ever since the world chose it as the main energy resource.

3. Jiangsu also has the lion's share of foreign capital investment and directly responds to the turmoil in the international market.

4. The Head of China's Central Bank says the country should not underestimate the scale and depth of current global financial turmoil.

5. The current turmoil shows the need for a change in the design concept.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Charlie and Brooke's relationship has been in turmoil since the alleged attack over the 2009 festive period.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. The political turmoil in nearby Thailand refocused many travelers on Sanya, whose beautiful sea and beaches are equally charming.

8. It has triggered Israeli political turmoil and stirred warnings of civil strife.

9. " China has been closely watching the development of the situation in Egypt, " Hong said when asked to comment on the ongoing turmoil in the country.

10. The financial turmoil has plunged China's once profitable steel industry into the red with many small steelmakers facing closure as supplies far exceed the demand.

turmoil 英英释义


1. disturbance usually in protest

    Synonym: agitation excitement upheaval hullabaloo

2. danci.911cha.com

2. violent agitation

    Synonym: tumult

3. a violent disturbance

    e.g. the convulsions of the stock market

    Synonym: convulsion upheaval
