
turbulence [ˈtɜ:bjələns]  [ˈtɜ:rbjələns] 

turbulence 基本解释


名词动荡; 骚动,骚乱; [物]湍流; (海洋、天气等的)狂暴

turbulence 网络解释


1. 紊流:鱼类的本能使牠们能精确而又有效地控制尾鳍,来吸取它们周围水流的动能,这包括一般物体造成的迹流、紊流 (turbulence)、甚至从它们自己身体前部形成的迹流.

2. 紊乱:ation)与紊乱(turbulence)效果扭转(Twirl)与针孔(Pincushion)效果克隆(clone)、显示(reveal)、涂抹(smudge)以及更多模式重新取样(Resample)功能比例失真(Anamorphic)图像支持每个节点都有多种贝兹(Bezier)样式将跟踪数据用于Rotoshapes 和点(points)上Shake 还包括高级的跟踪技术,

turbulence 词典解释

1. 动荡;骚乱;骚动;混乱
    Turbulence is a state of confusion and disorganized change.

    e.g. The 1960s and early 1970s were a time of change and turbulence.
           20 世纪整个 60 年代和 70 年代初期是风云变幻、动荡不安的一个时期。
    e.g. …a region often beset by political turbulence.

2. (空气、液体或气体的)湍流,涡流,紊流
    Turbulence is violent and uneven movement within a particular area of air, liquid, or gas.

    e.g. His plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour.
           他的飞机遭遇强气流和时速近 200 英里的强风。

turbulence 单语例句

1. turbulence的意思

1. Ma said that the capital inflow to emerging markets like China would continue to be difficult given the turbulence in the international market.

2. An education system that gives people the tools to adapt to change by emphasizing problem solving over rote learning will reduce turbulence.

3. Moss has suffered career turbulence since images of her allegedly snorting cocaine were printed in a national newspaper last year.

4. The world economy has survived a year of turbulence after the global financial crisis broke out thanks to efforts of the world community.

5. In later years they remain largely unaffected by the turbulence of the age, but nonetheless pained by the confusion and restlessness that plagues the lives of their children.

6. China's economy is expected to continue growing in the coming decade, despite the probability of continuing turbulence and contraction in the international market.

7. The weapon would use sensors, computers and flexible mirrors to counteract atmospheric turbulence.

8. turbulence

8. The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates sharply in an attempt to limit economic damage from the credit crunch and market turbulence.

9. As a result of this economic turbulence, emerging markets around the globe have seen their economic growth decelerate remarkably.

10. Most of the others decided to suspend their offer applications as a result of " market turbulence ".

turbulence 英英释义



1. unstable flow of a liquid or gas

    Synonym: turbulency

2. a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)

    e.g. the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence

    Synonym: upheaval Sturm und Drang

3. instability in the atmosphere
