
turbid [ˈtɜ:bɪd]  [ˈtɜ:rbɪd] 

turbid 基本解释

形容词<正>混浊的; (思想等)混乱的; 紊乱的; (烟、云等)浓密的

turbid 网络解释

1. 浑浊的:tambourine小手鼓 | turbid浑浊的a | limpid清澈的

2. 混浊的:turbaned 戴头巾的 | turbid 混浊的 | turbidity 混浊

3. 烟雾腾腾的:tunneled walkway 隧道式人行道 | turbid 烟雾腾腾的 | turbine exhaust flame 涡轮泵装置排气火焰

4. 混乱的:turb浑浊(根) | turbid混乱的 | disturb扰乱

turbid 单语例句

1. Zhu's wife must walk three kilometers on snaking mountain paths to fetch turbid water three times a day for her family and cattle.

2. turbid的近义词

2. So it is important that some outdated and turbid administrative regulations and rules are abolished timely.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The tea in the bowl his rough hands hold has become turbid.

4. Truth is even if any individual department wanted to step in, the water is too deep and turbid for meaningful changes.

turbid 英英释义


1. (of liquids) clouded as with sediment

    e.g. a cloudy liquid
           muddy coffee
           murky waters

    Synonym: cloudy muddy mirky murky
