
tumulus [ˈtju:mjələs]  [ˈtu:mjələs] 


第三人称复数:tumuli; tumuluses

tumulus 基本解释

名词古墓; 冢; 坟墓; 钟状火山

tumulus 网络解释

1. 坟墓:tumultuously 骚乱地 | tumulus 坟墓 | tun 大桶

2. 钟状火山:tuhualite 紫钠闪石 | tumulus 钟状火山 | tundra 冻原

3. 小的熔岩丘:tugai landscape 中亚泛滥地森林景观 | tumulus 小的熔岩丘 | tundra 冻原

4. 熔岩钟:火山膨胀 tumescence | 熔岩钟 tumulus | 苔原泥煤 tundra peat

tumulus 双语例句

1. And as no man knows the ubicity of his tumulus nor to what processes we shall thereby be ushered nor whether to Tophet or to Edenville in the like way is all hidden when we would backward see from what region of remoteness the whatness of our whoness hath fetched his whenceness.

2. As of today, the tumulus stands over 50 meters high with a circumference extending some 2, 000 meters.


3. As of today, the tumulus stands over 50 metres high with a circumference extending some 2000 metres

4. The archaeologist Jack went into a tumulus with his company in India, and found a photo of a beautiful princess, who looked like the lady frequently in his dreams.
    考古学家 Jack和同伴在印度进入一座古墓,发现一幅公主的画像,公主长相和不断出现在他梦中的女子十分相似。

5. East of Xi'an is the large tumulus of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.


6. One of the royal tombs in the Great Tumulus is identified as that of Philip II, who conquered all the Greek cities, paving the way for his son Alexander and the expansion of the Hellenistic world.


7. In the centre was a hillock or tumulus, surmounted by a scorched hawthorn.
    空地 中央是一个小丘或者是一座古坟,顶上是一棵烧焦了的山楂树。

8. I cannot be sure, but it seems to cast a perceptible shadow, suggesting that if I ran my finger down that strip of the wall it would, at a certain point, mount and descend a small tumulus, a smooth tumulus like those barrows on the South Downs which are, they say, either tombs or camps.

9. The Development of the Ancient DNA Technology in the Research of Human Remains in Tumulus


10. The Research of the Tumulus Tombs in Southern Anhui and the Civilization in Dynasties of Shang and Zhou

tumulus 单语例句

1. The urban section will have pavements and will provide connections to the Marathon Museum and The Tumulus of Marathon.

2. When Lu found some evidences suggesting the possibility of a tumulus, he decided to stop digging and told the local government and police.

tumulus 英英释义


1. (archeology) a heap of earth placed over prehistoric tombs

    Synonym: burial mound grave mound barrow
