
tumult [ˈtju:mʌlt]  [ˈtu:mʌlt] 


tumult 基本解释


名词喧哗; 吵闹; 激动的吵闹声; 心烦意乱

tumult 同义词


名词uproar fuss disorder to-do rumpus commotion row disturbance turmoil pandemonium racket hubbub fracas turbulence noise

tumult 反义词

名词quiet calm

tumult 相关例句



1. The tumult in the streets awakened everyone in the house.

2. Her mind was in a tumult.

tumult 网络解释

1. 混乱:偏见prejudice; bias; partiality; predilection | 混乱chaos; commotion; confusion; disturbance; tumult | 无弹性(僵硬)rigid

2. 吵闹:tumuli 坟墓 | tumult 吵闹 | tumultuary 混乱的

3. 激动:Tukey test 杜凯氏考验 | tumult 激动 | tumultuous 骚动

4. (思想等)混乱:tragedy惨案,悲剧 | tumult(思想等)混乱 | turmoil动乱

tumult 词典解释

1. 混乱;骚乱
    A tumult is a state of great confusion or excitement.

    e.g. A tumult of feelings inside her fought for supremacy.
    e.g. ...the recent tumult in global financial markets.

2. 吵闹;喧哗
    A tumult is a lot of noise made by a crowd of people.

    e.g. Round one ends, to a tumult of whistles, screams and shouts.

tumult 单语例句

1. tumult的翻译

1. Thus they reduce the danger of running afoul of hidden reefs and dangerous shallows, or of becoming swept into the raging tumult of the financial storm.

2. Some investors are obstinate in their refusal to study the trends, weigh conditions and to change their strategies amid the market tumult.

3. The tumult at Brazil's most popular club may have only just begun.

4. The merger between the two Internet giants is expected to bring a new wave of tumult to China's rapidly changing Internet industry.

5. It's an experience that frequently hovers just outside Williams'words, an unspoken tumult.

6. It's been a period of tumult on the network morning shows.

7. A tumult of visitors swarmed through - Poles and Spaniards and Greeks and Ukrainians.

tumult 英英释义



1. the act of making a noisy disturbance

    Synonym: commotion din ruction ruckus rumpus

2. tumult

2. violent agitation

    Synonym: turmoil

3. tumult

3. a state of commotion and noise and confusion

    Synonym: tumultuousness uproar garboil
