
tug [tʌg]  [tʌɡ] 







tug 基本解释


及物/不及物动词用力拉,使劲拉; 使劲,挣扎; [航海]用拖船拖曳; 竞争

名词猛拉,推力; 绳索链条; [航海] 拖船; 竞争,斗争

tug 相关例句


1. Tug the drawer and it will open.


1. The child tugged at my hand to make me go with her.

2. The child tugged at his mother's sleeve.


1. Tugs were sent to the damaged oil tankers.

2. I gave the loose tooth a tug.

tug 网络解释


1. 拖船:根据新加坡海事工业商会(ASMI)发布的年度报告显示,岸外工程、船只维修和改造及造船三个领域的共同增长是导致去年海事业营业额快速增长的原因. 去年造船总数达到127艘,比前年增加了43艘. 其中驳船(barges)和拖船(tug)占大多数,分别达到35艘和20艘.

2. 强调飞快的拖拉:Drag oneself to 拖着疲惫的身躯去...... | tug 强调飞快的拖拉 | Tow 借助外力拖拉较大较重的物体

3. 挣扎:tug of war 拔河 | tug 挣扎 | tug-of-war 拔河

4. tug:triburary unit group; 支路单元组

5. tug:tributary unit group; 附属单元组

tug 词典解释

1. 使劲拉;拽
    If you tug something or tug at it, you give it a quick and usually strong pull.

    e.g. A little boy came running up and tugged at his sleeve excitedly...
    e.g. She kicked him, tugging his thick hair.

2. 拖船;拖轮
    A tug or a tug boat is a small powerful boat which pulls large ships, usually when they come into a port.

tug 单语例句

1. Those changes would be made by the tug of a planet's gravity on the star.

2. But the past continues to tug at their relationship, with colonial wounds still painful - and still carrying political weight.

3. Another seven containers were within a mile of the shore and the container recovery company was using tug boats to tow them to safety.

4. tug的解释

4. The then Beijing mayor branded him " despotic " as they engaged in a tug of war over the fate of the old structures.

5. The video goes as far to tug at the band's subdued Christian roots, with screen shots of a cross that hangs from Williams'retro car.

6. The prospect of an exhumation threatens to provoke a family tug of war.

7. tug的近义词

7. A debate about market fundamentals is playing itself out in a tug of war over energy futures prices.

8. A pet dog howling through the night did not irritate residents but managed to tug at their heartstrings instead.

9. tug

9. And it still has the stuff that can make us laugh and scoff or tug at our heartstrings.

10. tug的解释

10. Raymond Zhou looks at the tug of war between lovebirds and the authorities who hold the line on ethics.

tug 英英释义


1. a sudden abrupt pull

    Synonym: jerk

2. a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships

    Synonym: tugboat towboat tower


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. struggle in opposition

    e.g. She tugged and wrestled with her conflicts

2. pull hard

    e.g. The prisoner tugged at the chains
           This movie tugs at the heart strings

3. pull or strain hard at

    e.g. Each oar was tugged by several men

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. move by pulling hard

    e.g. The horse finally tugged the cart out of the mud

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. carry with difficulty

    e.g. You'll have to lug this suitcase

    Synonym: lug tote

6. tow (a vessel) with a tug

    e.g. The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. strive and make an effort to reach a goal

    e.g. She tugged for years to make a decent living
           We have to push a little to make the deadline!
           She is driving away at her doctoral thesis

    Synonym: labor labour push drive
