1. try and see
1. Many companies nowadays see staff cost as the largest component of their cost structure and try not to offer any salary increase.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. People try harder until they're married and then you see a lot of relationships fall apart because it's the last step.
3. Let go of your own needs for the time being and try to get your people to see that things can be different.
4. try and see
4. " We're going to try the Miami experiment and see how it goes, " Goodell said.
5. Here a company should look at all the activities performed and try to see how to improve.
6. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist.
7. Now religious parties and even top clerics maneuver to try to ward off a leader they see as not Shiite enough.
8. Some female students said they felt embarrassed to see the ad while some male students said it sounded " meaningful " and said they wanted to try.
9. Try one of her famous facials at Melo Spa and see what a little exercise can do for your skin.
10. try and see的翻译
10. He worked in the government during the greatest economic meltdown and lived to see federal officials try to staunch another one.