
trounce [traʊns]  [traʊns] 






trounce 基本解释

及物动词痛打; 呵斥; 责骂; 使大败

trounce 网络解释


1. 痛击:trough 槽 | trounce 痛击 | troupe 剧团

2. 严责:trough maze 槽迷津 | trounce 严责 | truancy 逃学

3. 将(某人)打得大败:trio n.三重唱 | trounce 将(某人)打得大败 | trout n.[鱼]鲑, 鲑鱼

4. 痛打,严惩:renounce 宣布放弃,抛弃 | trounce 痛打,严惩 | farce 笑剧

trounce 词典解释

1. 轻松战胜;大胜;击溃
    If you trounce someone in a competition or contest, you defeat them easily or by a large score.

    e.g. In Rugby League, Australia trounced France by sixty points to four.
           在联盟橄榄球赛上,澳大利亚队以 60:4 的比分大胜法国队。

trounce 英英释义


1. censure severely or angrily

    e.g. The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
           The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
           The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup

    Synonym: call on the carpet take to task rebuke rag reproof lecture reprimand jaw dress down call down scold chide berate bawl out remonstrate chew out chew up have words lambaste lambast

2. trounce的意思

2. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

    e.g. Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
           We beat the competition
           Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game

    Synonym: beat beat out crush shell vanquish

3. beat severely with a whip or rod

    e.g. The teacher often flogged the students
           The children were severely trounced

    Synonym: flog welt whip lather lash slash strap
