






trips 基本解释
说话结结巴巴( trip的第三人称单数 );倾斜;绊倒;犯错误;
trips 网络解释


1. 与贸易有关的知识产权:发达国家在WTO的框架下,一方面利用<<与贸易有关的知识产权>>(TRIPS)来保护其与贸易有关的知识产权,另一方面利用<<贸易技术壁垒协定>>(TBT)和<<实施卫生和植物卫生措施协定>>(SPS)协定来实施技术许可战略,保护国内产业,

2. 交通规划软件:trips交通规划软件 | AutoPIPE管道应力分析软件 | HTFS 传热模拟计算系列软件

trips 单语例句

1. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

2. An estimated more than 2 billion passenger trips are to be taken by road, rail and air.

3. A record 156 million passengers are expected to travel by train and 2 billion bus trips will be made.

4. This change has caused many charity organizations to cancel outdoor activities for disadvantaged children, while many schools have called a halt to graduation trips.

5. But many Japanese were cancelling trips and staying put, saying now is not the time to leave home.

6. The river flow is impressive but the trips are safe and they allow you to discover the canyon from the river.

7. Disposable plastic carrier bags we take home from shopping trips are a main source of such " white pollution ".

8. She said she would continue to make trips to China in order to carry forward the dialogue.

9. Tourism authorities will also boost quality checks on the applications of mainland tourist groups and carry out traveller satisfaction surveys after the trips end.

10. They will carry out baggage checks of " couriers " who make multiple trips between the two cities every day.
