
triggers ['trɪgəz]  ['trɪgəz] 






triggers 基本解释
扳机( trigger的名词复数 );引爆器;扳柄;起动线路;引发( trigger的第三人称单数 );扣…的扳机;发射;松开扳机;
triggers 网络解释

1. 触发器:使用PowerDesigner学习统一塑模语言(UML)与资料库设计与系统分析检视(Views) 索引(Indexes) 触发器(Triggers) 预储程序及函式(Store Procedure and Function) 等介绍1.使用J2EE学习物件导向(OOD)与软体开发,共计30小时,

2. 导出触发器:STATISTICS 分析对象 (ESTIMATE) | DIRECT 直接路径 (N) | TRIGGERS 导出触发器 (Y)

3. 列出包中的触发脚本:--changelog 列出该包的变更日志 | --triggers 列出包中的触发脚本 | --last 根据安装时间列出包,最近时间的优先

triggers 单语例句

1. triggers

1. The government has 40 plots in its land reserve that could be auctioned after a buyer triggers its price.

2. triggers的解释

2. Lynch said new research showed fish oils may reduce the cell inflammation that triggers a decline in memory.

3. He added that there are many triggers for suicide and it's hard to identify economic motivation with certainty.

4. A major change in energy structure often triggers a new round of economic development.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The neural circuitry is identical to that for other addictive triggers, such as gambling or cocaine.

6. The WHO official cited wild animals and laboratories without adequate safeguard measures as two triggers for the possible recurrence of SARS.

7. The recall is due to loose cohesion between the belt pulleys and antivibration rubber that triggers a warning light.

8. Zhang said pyramid selling disturbs economic order and triggers serious criminal crimes and mass incidents.

9. The disputed demarcation line has long been a crucial element that triggers tensions between the two sides.

10. Analysts told the paper that Evergrande might become the first domino that triggers a nationwide decline in property prices.
