
tried [traɪd]  [traɪd] 




tried 基本解释


形容词可靠的; 经过考验的

动词试图,努力( try的过去式和过去分词); 考验; 磨炼; 审讯

tried 同义词


动词try out essay try

tried 反义词


tried 情景对话



A:Have you tried (the Internet/ some websites)?



A:May I speak with Mr. Chen, please?

B:Sorry, but he is out at the moment.

A:Then, please tell him that Zhao Li called.

B:Yes. I'm sorry, but how do you spell your last name, sir?

A:It's Zhao, Z-H-A-O.Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him.
      姓赵,Z-H-A-O。 请你转告他陆明正设法跟他联系。

B:Yes. I will.


A:What kind of permanent would you like to have?

B:What kinds do you have?

A:Oh, we have quite a varity:regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.

B:Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent. Set the wave a little looser than usual, please.

tried 网络解释

1. 经过试验的:tried and true 证明是好的 | tried 经过试验的 | tried-and-true 经过检验而可靠的

2. 经过试验的,可靠的:Come out 出去 | Tried经过试验的, 可靠的 | quite 相当, 完全

3. 累:sad 悲伤 | tried 累 | surprised 吃惊

4. 审判:241,treated 治疗 | 242,tried 审判 | 243,true 正确的

tried 词典解释

1. 经过试用的;经过考验的;证明了的
    Tried is used in the expressions tried and tested ,tried and trusted, and tried and true, which describe a product or method that has already been used and has been found to be successful.

    e.g. ...over 1000 tried-and-tested recipes...
           1,000 多道经过检验的食谱
    e.g. Follow the tried and trusted methods that have stood the test of time.

tried 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The defense has tried to get the charge reduced, saying the act doesn't merit such harsh punishment.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. It has also tried to strengthen partnerships with big corporate clients to broaden its business scope.

3. tried的反义词

3. While smokers in Hong Kong seek their havens from the smoking ban, a businessman tried to take advantage of a gray area in the law.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. I tried to convince myself that I was just too busy or that walking was better because it allowed me to soak up my surroundings.

5. I could have tried to push maybe, but really it's wonderful.

6. tried的反义词

6. " We were disappointed but we tried to win anyway, " Scola said.

7. The ox broke loose when a butcher tried slaughtering it and injured two members of the butcher's family as it ran out on the street.

8. After police arrested him and two more officers arrived, police said the father pulled out a butcher knife and tried to stab an officer.

9. Carlisle introduced Butler to the crowd before the game, and hugged Butler as the player tried on his ring.

10. Ask a chain smoker to kick the butt, and in all probability he'll tell you he's tried quitting a hundred times before.

tried 英英释义


1. tried

1. tested and proved to be reliable

    Synonym: tested time-tested tried and true

2. tested and proved useful or correct

    e.g. a tested method

    Synonym: tested well-tried
