
trendy [ˈtrendi]  [ˈtrɛndi] 







trendy 基本解释


名词时髦人物,赶时髦的人; 领导时尚的人

trendy 情景对话



A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show.

B:You’re going to a fashion show?

A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before!

B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before!

A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people.

B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me.

A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about this pink and orange striped suit?

B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy?

A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie?

B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa.

A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit?

B:That would look better, but what about the tie?

A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right.

B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie?
      那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样?

A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear?

B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now!

trendy 网络解释

1. (新潮):除了推出导购员,观光局也规划五大类购物路线,分别是高档(Chic)、新潮(Trendy)、浪漫(Romantic)、创意(Creative)与独特(Original). 高档路线纳入精品区、高级酒吧、五星级饭店与博物馆,让游客漫步于圣日耳曼大街、罗浮宫及香榭丽舍大道.

2. 时髦的;流行的:124 Track record 过去的记录 | 126 trendy 时髦的;流行的 | 127 troubleshooting 检修;解决困难的

trendy 词典解释

1. 时髦的;时尚的;现代的
    If you say that something or someone is trendy, you mean that they are very fashionable and modern.

    e.g. ...a trendy London night club.
    e.g. …middle-class kids in trendy clothes.

2. 赶时髦的;盲从的
    If you describe someone who follows new ideas as trendy, you disapprove of them because they are more interested in being fashionable than in thinking seriously about these ideas.

    e.g. Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts.

trendy 单语例句

1. But now those same urban professionals are buying trendy, upscale bikes to pursue their fitness goals.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. But they make up their lack of concern with their buying habits and their willingness to pay higher premiums for trendy products.

3. In September 2003, the bar Centro made a splash with the public because of its trendy interior design.

4. Women who choose a trendy pattern can cleverly conceal problem zones here and there.

5. But that doesn't mean that these trendy examples must be banned from the shoe closet.


6. Suspicions have also clouded two other real estate deals Olmert transacted in Jerusalem and in a trendy Tel Aviv neighborhood.

7. What is the trendy color scheme for Chinese cosmetics this year and next?

8. " Made in Hong Kong " has come to mean trendy, innovative and of good quality.

9. Trendy and fashionable are not words that properly conjure up the design of LAN Club.

10. trendy的近义词

10. Conscious of the limited appeal of the sari with the trendy set, designers said they were trying to keep up with the sensibilities of the stylish woman.

trendy 英英释义



1. in accord with the latest fad

    e.g. trendy ideas
           trendy clothes
           voguish terminology

    Synonym: voguish
