1. 银耳:依其担子类型可分为黑粉菌、锈菌等的原生担子菌纲、木耳、银耳(Tremella)等的异型担子菌纲和香菇(Lentinus)、伞菌、马勃(Lycoperdon)、兔笔菌属(Ph-allalus)等的真担子菌纲.
2. 银耳属:2.1 有隔担子菌亚纲 绝大多数都是腐生性的,常见的有木耳属(Auricularia)、银耳属(Tremella)等. 3.2.2 无隔担子菌亚纲 大多数也是腐生的,少数是寄生性的,如外担子菌中侵害茶叶的茶饼病菌(Exobasidium camellia)和侵害水稻的纹枯病菌(亡革菌属(Thamatephorus)).
3. 白木耳:fat phase 油相 | tremella 白木耳 | sweating of ore 锻烧矿石
4. 银耳 ,白木耳:紫菜laver | 银耳,白木耳tremella | 蒜garlic
1. Many mountain delicacies such as mushroom, bamboo shoots and tremella are often found here.
1. fungi with yellowish gelatinous sporophores having convolutions resembling those of the brain
Synonym: genus Tremella