treasury bonds

treasury bonds

treasury bonds 基本解释

treasury bonds的翻译


treasury bonds 网络解释

1. 长期国债:13 版权属FPSCC所有 受法律保护 Copyright FPSCC 中国金融理财标准委员会(FPSCC) 资格认证培训金融理财师规投划资 国债 短期国债(T-Bills):又被称为国库券,期限 在1年或1年以下的国债; 中期国债(Treasury Notes):期限在1年以上, 10年以下的国债; 长期国债(Treasury Bonds):期限在10年以

2. 国库债券:可转让债券根据期限可分为国库债票(Treasury Notes)和国库债券(Treasury Bonds),前者的期限一般为5-10 年;后者的期限在10 年以上,多为10 年期至30 年期.

3. 国库券:国脚 player of the national football team; footballer of the national team | 国库券 treasury bonds | 过失责任 liability of fault

treasury bonds 单语例句

1. Universities and institutions entrust securities companies to buy treasury bonds for them, but these companies invested the money in stocks and futures markets through repurchasing.

2. treasury bonds在线翻译

2. This corroborates a market guess that the government is considering sourcing the funds by issuing special treasury bonds.

3. The Ministry of Finance can issue Treasury bonds and then infuse the capital and the ICBC can also issue additional bonds itself.

4. Ninety percent of CIC's current investment portfolio consists of assets with high liquidity, including cash and cash equivalents such as treasury bonds and bank notes.

5. Some of the cash is earmarked in the budget, the rest comes from issuing treasury bonds and loans from domestic banks.

6. Treasury revises the data based on more detailed readings of the statistics, which do a better job of sorting out actual ownership of the bonds.

7. treasury bonds是什么意思

7. Treasury bonds add up to 90 percent of the country's GDP, and if they increase to 150 percent the US would face hyperinflation.

8. In addition, pension funds are restricted to investments in treasury bonds and bank deposits to ensure safety.

9. The government issued additional treasury bonds to banks to increase investment and raised people's incomes to stimulate consumption.

10. That may be worth a vote of confidence from buyers of US treasury bonds.
