tread in

tread in [tred in]  [trɛd ɪn] 

tread in 基本解释


tread in 网络解释

1. 踩入:tread down 踏结实 | tread in 踩入 | tread lightly 轻轻地走

tread in 单语例句

1. tread in的翻译

1. They may all tread a careful path marking territory before making their vows, but fewer of them have the patience to give and take in family relationships.

2. A new generation of companies will benefit from growth in their home market, while companies in other markets struggle to tread water.

3. In addition, multiple options are available for equipment like illuminated tread plates and electrically deployable side steps.

4. It would be wise for the country to tread carefully with monetary easing in this current cycle.

5. US officials and analysts have suggested Washington is likely to tread lightly in using Tunisia's example to argue that other Arab regimes should open up.

6. tread in的翻译

6. But he suggested that Israel should tread carefully or risk derailing the course of popular unrest sweeping Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East.

7. " In theory they are the easiest opponent but we have to tread carefully, " added the German manager.

8. However, that is one area where males fear to tread in China.

9. Fools would no doubt rush in where Robert Ettinger fears to tread.

10. With global financial markets still in a state of disrepair, investors would be wise to tread softly amid the potential nightmares.
