1. 托盘:而此标准化措起源於瑞士.瑞士许多餐饮机构代表在Aurich会 面共同签署了一份文件,其将有餐饮器具设备标准,化诸如平底锅(Pans)、托盘(Trays)、铁线架(Wire Racks)、抽屦(Drawers)、餐车(Dinner Wagon)、及手推车(Trolleys)等等.标准化的包装、各式各样托盘,
2. 吸塑托盘:对折泡壳:clamshells | 吸塑托盘:trays | 吸塑盒:plastic containers
3. 塔盘底面(支持表面):Saddle 鞍式垂直中心线(与容器中心) | Trays 塔盘底面(支持表面) | Legs 支腿形心
4. 盘子:Mirrors 镜子 | Trays 盘子 | Stoneware 瓷器
1. Online records for the three SeaWorld parks going back to 2007 show only minor violations, such as paper feeding trays accidentally dropped into an exhibit.
2. Make lots of finger food served on small napkins on trays or on little china spoons.
3. Line your baking trays with parchment paper so you do not have to oil them.
4. In Japan, most of the vegetables are put on plastic trays and wrapped with film.