
traps [træps]  [træps] 






traps 基本解释

名词随身携带物,随身行李; 圈套( trap的名词复数 ); (对付人的)计谋; (练习射击用的)抛靶器; (捕捉动物的)夹子

动词诱骗( trap的第三人称单数 ); 使受限制; 困住; 使(水与气体等)分离

traps 网络解释


1. 陷阱:武器格挡能格挡物理攻击和大多数的元素和魔法进攻,包括白骨之魂(Bone Spirit), 祝福之锤(Hammers), 天堂之拳(FOH), 陷阱(Traps), 冰封球(Cold Orbs), 大火球(Fireballs)等等.

2. 阱:也是产生方法最多样的状态之一. 眩晕(stun)是个很少见的状态,只有CC和某些武器特性才能够造成这个状态. 失去意识(unconsciousness)是你能造成最好最合算的状况了. 一般而言,陷阱(Traps)包括地雷和爆炸物,是一个统称.

3. 陷阱技能树--陷阱:Shadow Master--幻影精通--支配影子;简称: SM | Traps--陷阱技能树--陷阱 | Fire Blast--火焰冲击波--火焰爆震;

4. 斜方肌简称:symmetry: 匀称 | traps: 斜方肌简称 | training specificity: 训练的专项性

traps 单语例句

1. Second, it has been common practice for police to set traps in their investigations.

2. The calls of course are traps, designed to con gullible people into parting with their money.

3. After a stop at Shicheng Island and having passed several small rocky isles, you will cruise through a sea full of floats marking fish traps.

4. The history of Trader Vic's is that it is a multinational chain of tourist traps that gravitate towards locations like Las Vegas and Disneyland.

5. The real problem arises when the dreamer is lured to traps that promise quick money.

6. Many university students have fallen prey to pyramid sales schemes traps after being falsely led to believe there would be high returns.

7. This system traps migrants in bad jobs and ends up lowering wages all around.

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8. After the frenzied jostling of the tourist traps, a stroll in this area is a truly relaxing affair.

9. He has since constructed six such traps using metal wire, thin bamboo strips and nylon gauze.

10. The otter was sighted by a sailor on Sunday and extra food was laid out for her around traps on islands in the Gulf.
