
transshipping [træn'ʃɪpɪŋ]  [træn'ʃɪpɪŋ]






transshipping 基本解释
转载他船或列车,换船( transship的现在分词 );
transshipping 双语例句

1. Well digging equipments, rock digging equipments, mining type pump, wire rope, compressor, automobile drilling machine, anchor bolt trolley, concrete spurting machine; mining type elevating apparatus and integrated protection apparatus, elevating container, linking setting, falling-proof setting, racing car protection setting, chain, supporting roller, belt conveyer, conveyer belt, chain and flight machine, transshipping machine carry-scraper, excavator, automatic unloading machine and other non-track apparatus and track transporting apparatus; mining type winch, tramcar, heavy mining type transporting vehicle and various electronic weighting apparatus.


2. The carriage by any transshipping or forwarding carrier and all transshipment or forwarding shall be subject to all the terms whatsoever in the regular form of bill of lading, freight note, contract or other shipping document used at the time by such carrier, whether issued for the goods or not, and even though such terms may be less favorable to the shipper or consignee than the terms of this bill of lading and may contain more stringent requirements as notice of claim or commencement of suit and may exempt the on-carrier from liability for negligence.

3. Determination of Equipment Scale of Sino-Russian Frontier Transshipping Station


4. With the development of containerization and the introduction of the concept of transfer port, it's more important to build the container transshipping port, whereas, the construction of feeding mini-port becomes an important supplement of the former.

5. Transshipping between many equipments and equipments is assumed by chutes.

6. In order to meet the transportation demand of railway, aviation, highway, water transport among cities and the travel demand intra-city, large-scale passenger transport hub undertake passenger flow transshipping and collecting and distributing task of long-distance, short-distance and intra-city travel.

7. This article introduces the design of ro/ro transshipping equipment through the example of a certain project.

8. Model and Its Genetic Algorithm for Non-Restraint Location Selection of Urban Freight Transshipping Stations


9. Flow method location model is based on calculating the transshipping volume, and selecting the maximal volume among the candidate transportation nodes.

10. Numerical simulation on application of diffuse regulation with power dust in transshipping site
