
transmitted [trænz'mɪtɪd]  [trænz'mɪtɪd] 





transmitted 基本解释
传播;发射,播送,广播( transmit的过去式和过去分词 );传导;传;
transmitted 网络解释


1. (发送):接收(received)的时候,或者那包没有MPLS包装,其(输入包装)是网络层((如IP发送(transmitted)的时候,或者那包没有MPLS包装,其(输入包装)是网络层((如IP输入TTL是栈(stack)顶部的MPLS TTL,当有标记的包(labeled packet)是在LSR输出TTL是栈(stack)顶部的MPLS TTL,

2. 穿透的:translucent 半透光 | transmitted 穿透的 | transparent 完全透光

3. 传输/传送/传达:transmittancy /透光度/相对透射比/ | transmitted /传输/传送/传达/ | transmitter /发送器/转送者/传达人/让渡者/

transmitted 单语例句

1. The disease is transmitted by blood or it can be transmitted sexually.


2. China Netcom transmitted all the television signals by using high definition technologies.

3. transmitted的解释

3. Hepatitis C is viral and is mainly transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, although it can also spread through sexual contact and from mother to child during delivery.

4. transmitted在线翻译

4. Hepatitis C has a long latency and can be transmitted in many ways.

5. Fraunhofer says the readings can also be transmitted to one's cardiologist who can advise whether or not activity is risky.

6. Railway power lines carry up to 380 kilowatts of electricity, which can be transmitted via fluids such as urine.

7. transmitted的解释

7. He always washes his hands and body each time he returns home because he's worried about catching a sexually transmitted disease from saliva and dust.

8. Dengue is an acute febrile disease transmitted to human beings by aedes, a genus of mosquitoes with white stripe markings on their bodies and legs.

9. Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

10. The disease can be transmitted from infected birds to humans and cause symptoms similar to that of severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS.

transmitted 英英释义



1. occurring among members of a family usually by heredity

    e.g. an inherited disease
           familial traits
           genetically transmitted features

    Synonym: familial genetic hereditary inherited transmissible
