
trample [ˈtræmpl]  [ˈtræmpəl] 







trample 基本解释


及物动词践踏; 蹂躏; 无视,蔑视; 侵犯,伤害

不及物动词践踏,重重地踩; 脚步沉重地走

名词践踏; 践踏声

trample 相关例句


1. Don't trample on grass.

2. He was trampled to death by an elephant.


1. I heard someone trample about in the hall.

2. We warned him against trampling on justice.

trample 网络解释

1. 跺踏:Q:如果你有跺踏(trample)专长,当你骑乘闯越时,你的对手无法避开,若你在闯越中将他撞倒,你的坐骑可以对该对手做一次蹄踢攻击. 假设你的坐骑不是马. 那么此坐骑能否以其主要天生武器做一次攻击呢(蹄踢是马的主要天生武器)?

trample 词典解释

1. 践踏;无视;伤害
    To trample on someone's rights or values or to trample them means to deliberately ignore them.

    e.g. They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives...
    e.g. Diplomats denounced the leaders for trampling their citizens' civil rights...

2. 踩伤;踩死
    If someone is trampled, they are injured or killed by being stepped on by animals or by other people.

    e.g. Many people were trampled in the panic that followed...
    e.g. Thousands of victims perished, trampled underfoot.

3. trample

3. 踩踏;踩坏
    If someone tramples something or tramples on it, they step heavily and carelessly on it and damage it.

    e.g. They don't want people trampling the grass, pitching tents or building fires...
    e.g. …half-ripe apples that were being trampled underfoot by the fighting men…

trample 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Such outbursts not only defy logic or even common sense, but also trample on basic human decency and ethics.

2. But the moment it gave up the effort, it made the decision to trample the rule of law.

3. Japan's position and acts regarding the Diaoyu Islands issue gravely trample on the principles of the UN Charter.

4. For every item they can lay their hands on, they trample 10 others.

5. Hundreds of elephants are killed annually by villagers, while marauding herds also trample locals to death.

6. It has been considered a provocative move to trample on China's dignity.

7. Li told Miyamoto that Koizumi's repeated visits to the Yasukuni Shrine " challenge international justice " and " trample over the conscience of mankind ".

8. trample的意思

8. An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a King can.

9. trample的意思

9. De Dios said someone in the crowd was believed to have shouted " bomb, " sparking a panic that caused people to trample one another.

trample 英英释义



1. the sound of heavy treading or stomping

    e.g. he heard the trample of many feet

    Synonym: trampling


1. trample

1. injure by trampling or as if by trampling

    e.g. The passerby was trampled by an elephant

2. walk on and flatten

    e.g. tramp down the grass
           trample the flowers

    Synonym: tramp down tread down

3. trample的翻译

3. tread or stomp heavily or roughly

    e.g. The soldiers trampled across the fields

    Synonym: tread
