
traitor [ˈtreɪtə(r)]  [ˈtretɚ] 


traitor 基本解释


名词叛徒; 卖国贼; 背叛者; 背信弃义的人

traitor 相关例句


1. He was denounced as a traitor to his country.

2. He turned traitor to our cause.

traitor 网络解释


1. 捶 他 叛徒;卖国贼:trainee 捶 你(不听话捶你) 受训人员;学员 | traitor 捶 他 叛徒;卖国贼 | uncanny 俺揩你(你藏起来,我找你) 神秘的

traitor 词典解释

1. 背叛(信仰)者;背信弃义者
    If you call someone a traitor, you mean that they have betrayed beliefs that they used to hold, or that their friends hold, by their words or actions.

    e.g. Some say he's a traitor to the working class.

2. (尤指战时的)卖国贼,叛徒
    If someone is a traitor, they betray their country or a group of which they are a member by helping its enemies, especially during time of war.

    e.g. ...rumours that there were traitors among us who were sending messages to the enemy.

traitor 单语例句

1. traitor什么意思

1. But I guess such details would not bother those intent on painting the Chinese actress as " a traitor to her own country ".

2. traitor的翻译

2. Bin Laden called Abbas'government " a traitor and collaborator government " with the United States.

3. Pfister is now considering legal action against a senior Togolese federation official who accused him of being a drunkard and a traitor.

4. traitor在线翻译

4. To many she is a traitor, a coward and a parasite.

5. Chinese used to consider Wang as a traitor to the nation and Stein an infamous crook.

6. The DPRK has all but suspended dialogue with Lee's government and dubbed him a traitor to the Korean nation for tying aid.

7. The waiters called her a traitor and told her to shut up.

8. traitor的意思

8. Beijing regards him as the face of Tibetan separatism and a traitor.

9. Li called Chen " a national traitor who plots to split the country ", and said " he cannot escape the punishment of history ".

10. He said a national traitor who plots to split the country cannot escape punishment in history.

traitor 英英释义


1. a person who says one thing and does another

    Synonym: double-crosser double-dealer two-timer betrayer

2. traitor的近义词

2. someone who betrays his country by committing treason

    Synonym: treasonist
