
tracer [ˈtreɪsə(r)]  ['treɪsər] 

tracer 基本解释



tracer 网络解释

1. 示踪剂:因此,放射药物不会干扰它所要侦测的正常生化反应,它的功能就像是一个示踪剂(tracer),不同于X光检查用的显影剂,它并不会产生过敏反应. 例如,甲状腺摄取检查所使用的碘含量仅祇是吃一餐饭所使用的食盐内的碘含量的数千分之一.

2. 曳光弹:所以德拉古诺夫将SVD的气体活塞管增加一个气体调节器(regulator),用来调整气体的压力,以平衡机件在不同气候环境下产生的差异. 这样怪异的设计是因为德拉古诺夫已经设想到万一射手必须使用曳光弹(tracer)或者穿甲燃烧弹(armor-piercing.

3. 跟踪:ARMulator 还提供了跟踪(Tracer)功能,用来记录程序中指令和内存被访问的情况,也可以记录下各种事件的发生,例如 ARM 处理器事件、MMU 和 cache 事件等.

tracer 单语例句

1. tracer的反义词

1. Flaming red tracer rounds streaked through the night sky from guerrilla positions inside the city, 40 miles west of Baghdad.


2. So it can act as a tracer to expose the movements of other, invisible proteins it is attached to as they go about their business.

3. The word is likely derived from the French slang " tracer " which means " to hurry " or " to move quickly ".

4. The station later showed Shenzhou streaking into the sky and disappearing, its tracer billowing behind it.


5. The shooting usually begins around dusk, punching the darkness with rapid machinegun fire and tracer bullets for minutes at a time.

6. Television footage showed police firing tracer rounds into the air as other officers moved through the hotel.

7. He recalled the night skies over the northern city of Mosul being lit up by tracer bullets from almost every direction.

tracer 英英释义



1. tracer

1. ammunition whose flight can be observed by a trail of smoke

    Synonym: tracer bullet

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. (radiology) any radioactive isotope introduced into the body to study metabolism or other biological processes

3. an instrument used to make tracings

4. an investigator who is employed to find missing persons or missing goods
