名词试金石, (检验)标准
1. 标准:1、 制度标准(Touchstone)即公司培训的相关制度标准、计划、预算等. 从而从制度上保障培训的相关内容成为企业运行不可分割的一部分,具体包括以下几个部分:1):组织设置:依据企业的具体情况,设立相关的培训部门或岗位,
2. 检验标准:悠悠書擝 UUTxT.coM 诠汶字坂越牍 正文 检验标准 字数:836 检验标准(Touchstone) 如今,无数的市场营销信息竞相吸引我们的眼球,这在历史上从来没有过的:电视广告、广播广告、直邮广告、广告牌、网页上的横幅广告、电子邮件......真是不胜枚举.
3. 试金石, 标准:concave joint 凹(圆接)缝 | touchstone 试金石, 标准 | rocksteady (起源于牙买加的)慢拍摇滚乐 慢拍摇滚舞
1. touchstone的解释
1. 试金石;验证手段;检验标准
If you use one thing as a touchstone of another, you use it as a test or standard by which you judge the second thing.
e.g. Job security has become the touchstone of a good job for many employees.
1. Whether relief funds can be used to solve people's difficulties in life is the touchstone to test the governments'disaster relief work.
2. The quality of government relations with the host country often serves as a touchstone for companies venturing into that country.
3. Instead, the court needs to make people believe that the law is its only touchstone.
4. No matter how popular it is in the market, the consumer response is the best touchstone.
5. touchstone的解释
5. The Diaoyu Islands issue has proved to be a touchstone for the US'Asia and Pacific strategies.
6. Urban sewers will become a touchstone for a new type of urbanization, as it moves 200 million people out of the countryside into urban areas.
7. So whether to give up a seat to someone more in need has long been regarded as a touchstone for a person's virtue.
8. China regards the lifting of the two obstacles as a touchstone of the EU's political will to promote mutual trust.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. This is the essence of democracy, and also the touchstone to judge and examine whether a political system is democratic.
10. The next step that all parties take will be the touchstone to evaluate the guidelines.