
touch-and-go [ˈtʌtʃənˈɡəu]  [ˈtʌtʃənˈɡo] 

touch-and-go 基本解释


touch-and-go 双语例句

1. It was touch-and-go whether we would get to the airport in time.

2. How long is this touch-and-go state of affairs going to last?

3. Well, it was touch-and-go there for a minute, but i got everything handled.

4. It was still touch-and-go, but he had survived the night and was sleeping.

5. It was touch-and-go for a while.

6. I took the aircraft to 30, 000 feet on Flight 13, performed a touch-and-go landing, completed maneuvers to seventeen-degrees angle of attack, and cycled the aerial refueling door.


7. She drove the car carelessly and it was touch-and-go for her to avoid an accident.
    她不小心驾驶,只是惊险地避过意外。)远足 trek 是长途步行

8. Ku's accounts it has been touch-and-go.

9. It had been touch-and-go for him in the hospital, but he had eventually recovered.

10. She's fine now, but it was touch-and-go for a while.

11. For a while last night, it seemed to be touch-and-go.

12. It was touch-and-go whether he would get there in time.

13. It was touch-and-go whether we should catch the train.

14. The doctor says that it is touch-and-go whether the patient will survive.

15. For a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it was touch-and-go.

16. Dangerous waters; a parlous journey on stormy seas; a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat; the precarious life of an undersea diver; dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery.

touch-and-go 英英释义



1. fraught with danger

    e.g. dangerous waters
           a parlous journey on stormy seas
           a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat
           the precarious life of an undersea diver
           dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery

    Synonym: parlous perilous precarious
