




tossed 基本解释
扔( toss的过去式和过去分词 );摇荡;摇匀;掷硬币决定;
tossed 网络解释

1. 拌:Tossed,拌 | Exp: Tossed Black and White Fungus,拌双耳 | Mixed,拌

2. 抛,扔:intensive training course 强化课程 | ×tossed 抛,扔 | ▲bounce 弹跳 反弹

3. 投、掷:switched 开关 | tossed 投、掷 | flipped 翻动书页

4. 被警察搜身:44-fo' fo'枪的型号; | Tossed-被警察搜身 | Ball-性行为-lay

tossed 单语例句

1. tossed

1. A cigarette butt tossed from a higher floor started a fire in a balcony in an apartment building in the Hongkou area.

2. The heaps of golden corn cover Cui Shulan's small yard under the early morning sun, waiting to be tossed into a wooden cage raised with four stilts.

3. Her infant was tossed into the river but a giant carp carried it to an old fisherman.

4. He had pulled out a stack of cash and tossed it at her, and pushed her down twice on a sofa.

5. Wang recalls that once a local mafia boss invited Ma to dinner and casually tossed a package to Wang.

6. tossed的意思

6. Some chose to just sit on the snow rather than move it by the handful, and the stadium had a festive and frosty air as fans tossed snowballs.

7. They laughed and said " goodbye " in English and one of the young men tossed me a gift - a ripe coconut.

8. He said he was rolled and tossed among boulders and tree trunks that were swept down the adjacent mountainside.

9. Among the accusations were claims that youngsters at Columbia were forced to eat their vomit and were tossed nude into isolation cells.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Much of what is tossed out is edible, but not everyone greets the opportunity to recycle food scraps as an exciting food adventure.
