1. 折磨者:torment 折磨 | tormentor 折磨者 | torpid reaction 迟钝反应
2. 使苦痛之人:tormenting 使痛苦的 | tormentor 使苦痛之人 | tormentress 使痛苦的女人
3. 使苦恼之物:tormentil 雉子延之类 | tormentor 使苦恼之物 | tormentor 使苦痛之人
4. 长肉叉:tormentor 使苦痛之人 | tormentor 长肉叉 | tornadotron 旋风管
1. danci.911cha.com
1. 折磨者;使人痛苦的人
Some-one's tormentor is a person who deliberately causes them physical or mental pain.
e.g. ...cases where women subjected to years of brutality lose control and kill their tormentors.
1. A gambler who was kidnapped by another card player and in danger of losing his fingers managed to escape his tormentor by alerting his wife.
2. tormentor
2. As the verdict was read on Sunday, people in Dujail celebrated in the streets and burned pictures of their former tormentor.
1. a flat at each side of the stage to prevent the audience from seeing into the wings
2. someone who torments
Synonym: tormenter persecutor