1. 工具栏:的工具箱--工具栏(Toolbox) Lesson 02 放大图片并四处移动 Work 3 设置被选工具的选项栏(Option Bar) Work 4 管理用於帮助操作的各种要素的面板 Lesson 03 设定面板的形状 PART.04 Photoshop必须的检查内容--一定要记住这些内容 Work 1 仔细查看File Browser Work 2 创建指定大小的新工作窗口 02 完全征服可以随意修改图像的
2. 工具框:会出现附加的选项以改变海平面. 其他秘技 当鼠标指向工具框(Toolbox)时输入 fund 就可得到更多金钱. 当鼠标指向工具框(Toolbox)时输入 erad 动植物就会灭绝. 在地图窗口输入 rand 就会产生随机
3. 工具:Microsoft没有因此省略了它其中的强大功能. 因为InfoPath包含了脚本(scripting)和物件模型,所以资讯科技专家可以藉此而大幅度的自定表格行为. 每个事件都用标准的XML格式储存,因此你也可以自选你喜欢的XML工具(toolbox)来做修改.
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. Figuring he couldn't dispose of it in full, he used a small handsaw from his toolbox to dismember her.
2. Tao believed the duty increase is just one measure in the government's toolbox to cool down the market.
3. The explosion was from a toolbox of the factory building, he said.
4. toolbox的意思
4. It is high time that the central bank turned to the key instrument in its toolbox.
5. " China has a lot of tools in its toolbox, " said Zhang Xiaojing of CASS.
6. Secretary Clinton talked about smart power as using all the tools in our foreign policy toolbox.
1. toolbox的解释
1. a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools
Synonym: tool chest tool cabinet tool case