1. 工具钢:诸如工具钢(tool steel),不锈钢(stainless steel),磁性钢(magnet steel)及各种价昂之特殊合金. 电炉钢占全球粗钢总年产量约25%左右,仅次於LD转炉钢,可见电炉炼钢为一极重要之炼钢法. 目前台湾全省约有电弧炉60座,
2. 模具鋼材:tool source 模具來源 | tool steel 模具鋼材 | program number 產品編號
3. 工具网:工具台 tool stand | 工具网 tool steel | 刀尖 tool tip
4. 东西钢:Tisco Timang steel 锰镍耐磨钢 | tool steel 东西钢 | top steel feed roll 上传送钢辊
1. alloy steel that is suitable for making tools
is hard and tough and can retain a cutting edge