名词卷; 册; 大而重的书; 一本巨著
1. 托梅:该架Piper PA 31型号的飞机自圣地亚哥起飞,於距康塞普西翁不远处的托梅(Tome)坠毁. 事故原因尚不清楚. 坠毁的小型飞机载著智利政府派出的工作组,原计划对康塞普西翁的旅馆和 ...智利2月27日遭到超级大地震袭击,
2. 卷:罗马主教利欧一世(Leo I)明白真相之後,确认康堡会议定罪犹提克是对的,他写了数封书信表明立场,其中以一封写给主教傅氏称为<<大卷>>(Tome)的长篇论述,最为著名.
3. 册,卷:toll 费,税 | tome 册,卷 | -tome 刀,切除器
4. 刀,切除器:tome 册,卷 | -tome 刀,切除器 | tomogram X射线断层照片
1. 巨著;大部头书
A tome is a very large, heavy book.
1. tome是什么意思
1. The movie adaptation of Rand's epic tome has been kicking around Hollywood for many years, and at one point was set to star Faye Dunaway.
2. tome的近义词
2. He has written a small tome on reggae in China for next month's issue of Rolling Stone magazine.
3. Keynes'tome may be convoluted and incomprehensible in parts, but it's still worth reading in these uncertain times.
4. There was no scholarly tome on the cultural symbols associated with the animal.
5. Early next year the new imprint will publish another tome steeped in music history, folk singer Woody Guthrie's novel " House of Earth ".
6. tome在线翻译
6. Karl Marx's tome Capital will be adapted into a humorous play premiering at the Shanghai Majestic Theater on August 19.
7. tome在线翻译
7. The studio decided to split the seventh and final book in the Potter series into two movies because of the tome's length.
8. Epic in scale and written in classical Chinese, the tome is considered one of the four great Chinese novels.
9. The current Atlas is the sixth edition of the tome, which was first published in 1971 and is revised every five years.
10. Rapper Eminem is writing his autobiography, and the tome is expected to be published later this year.
1. a (usually) large and scholarly book