toll collector

toll collector [təul kəˈlektə]  [tol kəˈlɛktɚ] 

toll collector 基本解释


toll collector 网络解释

toll collector

1. 隧道費收費員:牐爐oll collection system車輛繳費系統 | 牐爐oll collector隧道費收費員 | 牐爐oll gate隧道費繳費處

toll collector 单语例句

1. Zhang admitted to the traffic police that he deliberately reversed his truck to get a second look at the pretty toll collector.

2. toll collector的意思

2. Fortunately a toll collector noticed her abnormal behavior and stopped her in time.

3. A toll collector checks how long this car has been parked in a downtown Beijing business center.

toll collector 英英释义

toll collector的意思


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. someone employed to collect tolls

    Synonym: tollkeeper tollman tollgatherer toll taker toll agent toller
