to be sure

to be sure [tu: bi: ʃuə]  [tu bi ʃʊr] 

to be sure 基本解释


to be sure 情景对话


A:What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Brown?

B:I’m in pretty bad shape, Dr. Ford.

A:Oh, in what way?

B:No appetite, always on edge, and I can’t sleep well.

A:Did you lose any weight?

B:Yes, I have lost quite a few pounds since last month.

A:When was the last time you had a check-up?

B:About two month ago.

A:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic.Well, Mr. Broun, I’m happy to say it’s nothing serious. You’re just a little run-down from overwork.

B:What am I supposed to do?

A:I think all you need is just a vacation. Try to get outdoors more and be sure to get more rest.

B:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say.

to be sure 网络解释

1. 无疑:30judging from...根据......判断, | 31to be sure无疑, | 32to sum up概括地说,

2. 诚然,固然:to conclude 总而言之 | to be sure 诚然,固然 | to do him justice 说句对他公道的话

3. 诚然,的确:610. to one's surprise 令人惊呀的是 | 611. to be sure 诚然,的确 | 612. to the south of.. ..的南面(外阁)

4. 来确定一下吗:Well, do you want to suck it?|你还想舔舔看... | To be sure?|来确定一下吗? | Flag man!|标记员!

to be sure 单语例句

1. to be sure的近义词

1. So be sure to set the alarm early to make the cable car to the peak before sunrise.

2. If you're making plans on the phone, be sure to confirm the details toward the end of the call.

3. to be sure的反义词

3. His cooperation with the orchestra will be sure to provide a captivating night for audience.

4. to be sure

4. Be sure to leave enough room for dessert and order up the carrot pudding, my second new favorite.

5. The new CD is due to be released in the fall, although Qiu is not sure they can recover the cost by selling it.

6. My final suggestion would be to visit the Three Gorges Dam area, although I am not sure how well centered this area is over the eclipse line.

7. to be sure

7. Sure, it's still going to be chock a block of bigwigs.

8. It is beyond common sense for this many passengers to buy tickets without making sure whether they would be able to go or not.

9. Be ready to review, revise and develop sourcing arrangements and make sure your contract permits changes.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. But when their testimonials are used to convict uninformed others, there have to be rigid rules to make sure the process is just and unbiased.

to be sure 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. admittedly

    e.g. to be sure, he is no Einstein

    Synonym: without doubt no doubt
