
tips [tɪps]  [tɪps] 






tips 基本解释
Tax Intercept Programs 税务拦截计划;to insure prompt service (gratuities) 确保快捷服务;topical information packages 论题信息包;顶端( tip的名词复数 );倾斜;末端;翼尖;某物侧边提高,倾斜,翻倒( tip的第三人称单数 );给小费;将倒出;轻打;
tips 网络解释


1. 小技巧:什么是博客 博客的历史 为什么要博客 三分钟全面了解Blog和RSS 博客功能图解与演示 新增11套漂亮模板,快来抢! Blog的三大核心功能及RSS详解 新手指南给新来的朋友 blog新手出道必读 博客网页常用小技巧 博客网页常用小工具 一些博客小技巧(tips) 二、进阶级

2. tips:thermally-induced phase separation; 热致相分离

3. tips:treasury inflation protection securities; 与通胀挂钩的国债

4. tips:treasury inflation protected security; 购买通胀指数债券

5. tips:thermally induced phase separation; 热致相分离法

tips 单语例句

1. tips的解释

1. Internet chatrooms are buzzing with tips on where to get a glimpse of Obama although his itinerary in Shanghai has yet to be confirmed.

2. Some extras while away time between scenes by catching a nap, while others more serious about their craft would ask directors for acting tips.

3. The girls are so pleased for her and have said they're only a phone call away to pass on any parenting tips.

4. Drivers are also concerned that adopting the smart card payment system may result in a reduction in tips.

5. tips

5. At the same time, she wrote a blog to provide career tips to talented young Chinese.

6. tips

6. The'Harry Potter'actress loves applying cosmetics to her friends and family and is always happy to pass her beauty tips on to them.

7. tips的解释

7. As of 4 pm Saturday, over 240 tips had been poured in by citizens and the case remained under investigation.


8. The newspapers pasted on the wall and ceiling were his first teachers, until his elder sister found banned foreign literature from friends and trash tips.


9. So it seems that fleas leap by channeling stored energy down to the tips of their legs.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. Here we chat to Keith about what makes a perfect portion of chips for him and any hot chip tips he could share with us.
