
timeworn ['taɪmwɔ:n]  [ˈtaɪmˌwɔrn, -ˌworn] 

timeworn 基本解释


形容词陈旧的,老朽的; 年深日久

timeworn 网络解释

1. 陈旧的:timework 计时工作 | timeworn 陈旧的 | timid 胆小的

2. 古舊:Time of Woes 苦難時期 | Timeworn 古舊 | Tingrom 提格隆

3. 用得陈旧了的:timework 计时工作 | timeworn 用得陈旧了的 | timeworntest 老化试验

4. 老朽的:timework 计时工作 | timeworn 老朽的 | timidcautious 狷

timeworn 单语例句

1. Like many timeworn Chinese expressions, it's as practical as it is evocative.

2. The field of archaeology and the timeworn Middle East would not seem obvious places to look for a wiki revolution.

3. It's a timeworn PAP tactic that has bankrupted some opposition leaders, thus disqualifying them for parliament.

4. Unluckily for the birds passing through Hunan, their timeworn routes provide rich picking for the hunters.

5. To show their austerity, people even washed new clothes a few times to make them look timeworn.

timeworn 英英释义



1. repeated too often
    overfamiliar through overuse

    e.g. bromidic sermons
           his remarks were trite and commonplace
           hackneyed phrases
           a stock answer
           repeating threadbare jokes
           parroting some timeworn axiom
           the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

    Synonym: banal commonplace hackneyed old-hat shopworn stock(a) threadbare tired trite well-worn
