time slot

time slot [taim slɔt]  [taɪm slɑt] 


第三人称复数:time slots

time slot 基本解释


time slot 网络解释

1. 时隙:另外,为了使白皮书的假定有效,设备需要是4 时隙(time slot)设备. 在电话会议中,我们提出了我们的问题,得到答复说诺基亚最初推出的EDGE手机在下行频道只支持2时隙(2003年后期允许使用4时隙设备). 因此,为了达到118kbps的速率,

2. 时间槽:在选择非归零(NRZ)编码时,信号电平在一个bit时间上保持连续,因而表示一个bit只需要一个时间槽(time slot),信号电平可以保持较长时间,因此,在测量时必须保证不能超越两个信号沿的最大允许间隔时间,这对于达成同步来说,非常重要.

3. 时槽:在数字通信系统当中,单一时槽 (time slot) 的频宽为64 Kbps,但是在传送模拟讯号时,每8个位当中有1个位拿来作为讯号位 (传送铃声或是挂断电话的讯号),所以事实上只有7/8的频宽 (87.5%) 可以供语音数据 (调制解调器频宽) 使用,

4. 时间档次:时机感 Sense of Timing | 时间档次 Time Slot | 时序分析 Time-Series analysis

time slot 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (电视或广播节目的)播放时段
    A television or radio programme's time slot is the time when it is broadcast.

    e.g. 90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot.
           节目改变播送时段后,90% 的听众依然继续收听。

time slot 单语例句

1. Besides the inconvenient time slot, some criticize the dubbing for purging the original flavour from the dialogue.

2. The time slot between November and February has long been a golden time to release films in China.

3. The program has won many fans in China and is ranked No 1 among other nationwide programs in the same time slot.

4. ABC is putting two comedies in a Tuesday time slot once held by a drama, and NBC is doing the same on Wednesday.

5. The pageant's Monday night time slot is a break from tradition.

6. For me, it required a Thursday night time slot for a medical show.

7. time slot

7. Whether it has any future depends on whether the series takes advantage of its time slot.

8. " Desperate Housewives " had more viewers than the Grammys in the same time slot on Sunday, Nielsen said.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. The activity begins at five separate time slots each day with 80 tickets available per slot.

10. It was getting late, way past bedtime and well beyond the time slot allotted by ESPN for its telecast.

time slot 英英释义



1. time slot的反义词

1. a time assigned on a schedule or agenda

    e.g. the TV program has a new time slot
           an aircraft landing slot

    Synonym: slot
