
timbre [ˈtæmbə(r)]  [ˈtæmbɚ, ˈtɪm-] 


timbre 基本解释


timbre 网络解释

1. 音色:*音色(timbre) 指声音的一种物理特性. 任何音乐或非音乐的声音的音色,将在很大程度内由声波的谐波结构确定. *音色匹配(timbre matching) THX处理技术中的一种. 为确保声音的平稳移动,将设法保证从聆听处两侧和前面来的声音皆为同样的音色.

2. 音质:* 音质(Timbre) 乐器或人的声音的音调或音色. * 传统爵士乐(Traditional jazz) 最初用于界定新奥尔良爵士乐,将他和摇摆舞曲区分开来. 此后,传统爵士乐又用来描述40年代新奥尔良音乐和迪西兰德爵士乐的复生,以及50年代末英国模仿的爵士乐.

3. 音:以听觉心理而言,即声音三个特征是:音的大小(Loudness),音高 (Pitch)与音(Timbre). ?以物理特性而言,声音是一种振动,或者说是一种质点如空气分子位移或速度的交替变化. 又或是空气密度一再重复地改变其疏密度的振动状态,

timbre 词典解释

1. 音色;音质;音品
    The timbre of someone's voice or of a musical instrument is the particular quality of sound that it has.

    e.g. His voice had a deep timbre...
    e.g. The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.

timbre 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The male drum produces a low and heavy timbre, while the female drum gives off higher and clearer tones.

2. Platt loves the music for its combination of Western composing techniques and Chinese musical timbre.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The concerto is superbly written for the unique timbre and virtuoso technical qualities of the marimba.

4. They chanted the ritual part of two temple music pieces in a highly consistent timbre, which must have come from a state of peace of mind.

5. The mellow timbre of the erhu and pipa instruments reminds one of Ah Bing, who wrote six precious compositions on the two instruments.

6. Garment and food products still remain the staple for China's exports to Russia, while China mainly imports energy resources and timbre from Russia.

7. The growl exists on a sliding scale depending both on the timbre of a speaker's voice and the particulars of the situation.

8. His vocal strength and timbre make him a true Verdi and Puccini tenor of the highest order.

9. Hoffman hits the right beats and somehow maintains a light, humorous timbre throughout.

timbre 英英释义


1. timbre的意思

1. (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound)

    e.g. the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely
           the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet

    Synonym: timber quality tone
