
till [tɪl]  [tɪl] 









till 基本解释


连词直到…时(为止); 在…之前

及物动词耕种; 耕作

名词钱柜,钱箱; 放钱的抽屉; [地]冰碛土(物)


till 相关例句



1. Farmers till the land before planting.


1. He didn't leave the office till 8 o'clock.

2. He didn't return till ten o'clock.


1. Do you know how much we have in the till?


1. The stranger waited till my master came home.

2. Walk till you come to a white house.

till 情景对话


A:Dr. Lee's office.

B:Hello, I have a bad headache. I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time.May I make an appointment now?

A:Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight?

B:That's fine. I think I can wait till then.

A:May I have your name and number, please?

B:The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127.

A:Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later.

till 网络解释


1. 直到:然后让学生根据单词设想这样一种情景:小山(hill)中有一座装满(fill)药丸(pill)的面粉厂(mill),直到(till)将要(will)杀死(kill)病(ill)人时才被发现. 教师还可引导学生设想更多的与这些词有关的情景,以进一步巩固记忆这一词块.

2. 提尔:Client:萝西(Rosi)第5章时.你会遇到(在酒馆前往太阳之环的路上)萝西(Rosi)和提尔(Till).带他们到城市里(圣骑士),或带他们到欧纳的农田(佣兵)或是修道院(火界法师).萝西(Rosi)会给你黄金作为报酬.也可以跟她买到有用的东西.他们两个逃跑的萝西和提尔(Till)与山可伯(Seko

3. 冰碛:冰川的冰碛石(Moraine)矿床及冰碛(Till)是由冰所运输的沉积物. 简单的重力崩塌制造了如碎石堆、山崩沉积及喀斯特崩塌特色的沉积物. 每一种沉积物类型有不同的沉降速度,依据其大小、容量、密度及形状而定. 一个流体要运送沉积物,

4. 跟踪照射激光器:试验时,跟踪照射激光器(TILL)和代替高能激光器的低能激光器均安装在ABL飞机的机头转塔中,跟踪照射激光器对一架改装过的NC-135运输机实施照射,其回波主要用于测量大气环境.

till 词典解释

1. till的反义词

1. (常于口语与非正式书面语中代替 until)
    In spoken English and informal written English, till is often used instead of until .

    e.g. They had to wait till Monday to ring the bank manager...
    e.g. I've survived till now, and will go on doing so without help from you.

Note that you only use till or until when you are talking about time. You do not use these words to talk about place or position. Instead, you should use as far as or up to. Then you'll be riding with us as far as the village?... We walked up to where his bicycle was.
注意只有在谈及时间时才用 till 或 until。在谈及地点或位置时不用这两个词,而应用as far as或up to:Then you'll be riding with us as far as the village (然后你会坐我们的车一直坐到那个村庄),We walked up to where his bicycle was (我们一直走到他放自行车的地方)。

2. (商店等处的)现金出纳机,收银机
    In a shop or other place of business, a till is a counter or cash register where money is kept, and where customers pay for what they have bought.

    e.g. ...long queues at tills that make customers angry.

in AM, use 美国英语用 cash register

3. (收银机中的)钱柜,放钱的抽屉
    A till is the drawer of a cash register, in which the money is kept.

    e.g. He checked the register. There was money in the till.

4. 耕,犁(地)
    When people till land, they prepare the earth and work on it in order to grow crops.

    e.g. Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields.
    e.g. ...freshly tilled fields.

till 单语例句

1. till的解释

1. Workers have been able to form trade unions in less than 50 percent of the Fortune Global 500 firms doing business in China till now.

2. till的意思

2. Many countries and regional or international organizations had offered support in various forms till the time China Business Weekly went to print.

3. But somehow, work on the project hasn't started till now.

4. till的解释

4. But if the full Senate doesn't vote by then, his appointment could be delayed till early September.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. He gives the stranger a camel and enough food to last till he crosses the desert and tells him to leave.

6. Obama has been hunkering down in Camp David since Friday till Monday morning to prep for the final showdown in a debate hall.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. All construction activity has been suspended till the end of the Paralympic Games to limit dust and pollution.

8. " The real question is if that will carry on till next year, " he added.

9. The camp which was inaugurated on Friday will carry on till November 10 at Pakistan sports board complex in the capital of Islamabad.

10. Click " Like " on the Le Chef Facebook page for a 50 percent discount on the a la carte dinner menu till Dec 18.

till 英英释义


1. a strongbox for holding cash

    Synonym: cashbox money box

2. a treasury for government funds

    Synonym: public treasury trough

3. unstratified soil deposited by a glacier
    consists of sand and clay and gravel and boulders mixed together

    Synonym: boulder clay


1. work land as by ploughing, harrowing, and manuring, in order to make it ready for cultivation

    e.g. till the soil
