
tightfisted ['taɪt'fɪstɪd]  [ˈtaɪtˈfɪstɪd] 

tightfisted 基本解释


形容词手紧; <非正>非常小气的,吝啬的

tightfisted 相关例句



1. His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.

tightfisted 网络解释

1. 吝啬的:tighten 变紧 | tightfisted 吝啬的 | tightknit 密织的

2. 吝啬的, 小气的, 形容词:tightknit 紧密团结的,组织严密的, 形容词 | tightfisted 吝啬的, 小气的, 形容词 | tightwad 吝啬, 守财奴, 名词

3. 吝啬:挥霍profligate, prodigal, lavish, dissipated, extravagant, spendthrift | 吝啬miserly, stingy, parsimonious, mean, tightfisted, niggardly | 明显可了解的patent, accessible, bare;

4. 吝啬的 (形):tighten 使变紧, 使绷紧; 变紧, 绷紧 (动) | tightfisted 吝啬的 (形) | tightly 紧紧地; 牢固地; 坚固地 (副)

tightfisted 双语例句


1. 7 If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother.
    15:7 在耶和华你神所赐你的地上、无论那一座城里、你弟兄中若有一个穷人、你不可忍著心、揝著手、不帮补你穷乏的弟兄。

2. If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother.

3. He is the most tightfisted person we have ever met.

4. We didn`t have much money, so it was fortunate that he was tightfisted, and better than I was at saying no to people.


5. He's very tightfisted.


6. His tightfisted employer is unwilling to give him a raise.

7. Children of economists recall how tightfisted their parents were.

8. He was a tightfisted hand at the grindstone, scrooge.

9. Are you are being overly generous, while your partner is being tightfisted?


10. The company is tightfisted when it comes to disclosing data or metrics.

11. He's very tightfisted. 8. Her boss is a skinflint.

tightfisted 单语例句

1. Some of those companies were called " iron roosters " - a Chinese name for those seen to be too tightfisted or miserly.

tightfisted 英英释义



1. unwilling to part with money

    Synonym: closefisted hardfisted
