
tied [taɪd]  [taɪd] 





tied 基本解释
系( tie的过去式和过去分词 );
tied 网络解释

1. 系:tied list 易货货单 | tied 系 | Tientsin 天津

2. 结合:tie 联接 | tied 结合 | Tiedemann鎦s nerve 蒂德曼神经

3. 并列:kayaks 皮艇 | tied 并列 | distinguish 区分

4. 劳累的:a bad light 光线不好 | tied 劳累的 | have the book flat on a desk in front of you 把书平放在前面的桌子上

tied 单语例句

1. Loan amounts would be tied to the number of employees a business hires, he added.

2. Some hats had wide ribbons tied into big butterfly knots, while others sported giant silk flowers.

3. All existing micro blog accounts will have to be tied to true identity verification by March this year.

4. They removed smaller rubble by hand and tied ropes on big chunks of concrete, pulling them away together.

5. Stanford was No 4, followed by Cal Tech and the University of Pennsylvania tied for fifth.

6. He said there was room for discussion on whether the yuan could be tied to a basket of currencies rather than just the dollar.

7. tied的意思

7. Following his wishes, his supporters tied his body on a camel and buried him where it stopped.

8. She kept him standing for four hours, tied his feet with gummed tape and beat him with a cane.

9. tied

9. Lenders are gathering deposits after their capital was depleted by almost $ 600 billion in losses tied to the global credit crunch.

10. tied

10. Grants should be strictly separated into capital and revenue with large capital grants tied to specific projects meeting specific needs.

tied 英英释义



1. bound or secured closely

    e.g. the guard was found trussed up with his arms and legs securely tied
           a trussed chicken

    Synonym: trussed

2. tied

2. closed with a lace

    e.g. snugly laced shoes

    Synonym: laced

3. fastened with strings or cords

    e.g. a neatly tied bundle

    Synonym: fastened

4. tied的近义词

4. bound together by or as if by a strong rope
    especially as by a bond of affection

    e.g. people tied by blood or marriage
