1. They can even touch some of these creatures in small tide pools.
tide pools是什么意思
2. Mila has also witnessed many black crabs walking through the tide pools and lava rocks upon the Big Island.
Mila 也目睹了许多黑螃蟹穿行在大岛上的满潮地和火山岩上。
3. These pools together with the Hale Marsh are important roosting sites for wildfowl and waders at high tide.
这些池塘构成了 Hale Marsh 在高潮时对于猎鸟和涉禽重要的栖息场所。
4. Young periwinkles are eaten by green crabs, which also live in tide pools.
5. Baia de Golfinhos has an exceptional population of resident dolphin and at low tide the Rocas Atoll provides a spectacular seascape of lagoons and tidal pools teeming with fish.
6. The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools.
7. " Whether we looked at tide pools or studies over the entire world's ocean, we saw the same picture emerging, " Worm said in a statement.
tide pools什么意思
8. Hollis was always fascinated by tide pools.
9. Others were gathering a second expedition to the tide pools.
10. " Whether we looked at tide pools or studies over the entire world's ocean, we saw the same picture emerging," Worm said in a statement.