tick over

tick over [tik ˈəuvə]  [tɪk ˈovɚ] 

tick over 基本解释

tick over


tick over 网络解释

tick over在线翻译

1. 停滞,进展缓慢,(机器)慢转:tick off 用记号勾出,列举,责备 | tick over 停滞,进展缓慢,(机器)慢转 | tuck away 藏起来

2. 低速工作:tick-bornerelapsingfever 蜱传媒回归热 | tick-over 低速工作 | tickclover 葫芦茶

3. 停滞,进展缓慢;(机器)空转,慢转:talk...over 讨论 | tick over 停滞,进展缓慢;(机器)空转,慢转 | tumble over... 被...绊倒

4. 慢转;空转;(事业等)进展缓慢;(生活等)勉强过得去;平平淡淡:tick off 打上记号勾掉 | tick over 慢转;空转;(事业等)进展缓慢;(生活等)勉强过得去;平平淡淡 | 7 go against the tide 逆潮流;不随大流

tick over 双语例句

1. The business of the company has been tick ing over for some time.

tick over的意思

2. Just try and keep things tick ing over while I'm away.

3. Sales to trade buyers continue to tick over.

4. I stopped the car but left the motor tick ing over.

5. They are flat like a tick and can go over a year without feeding and still remain alive.

tick over的反义词

6. If a magic DoT ticks 5 times over 15 seconds, it will now tick 2 times over 7.5 seconds.

7. My bed was a straw tick裝etter than Jim's, which was a cornshuck tick; there's always cobs around about in a shuck tick, and they poke into you and hurt; and when you roll over the dry shucks sound like you was rolling over in a pile of dead leaves; it makes such a rustling that you wake up.

tick over是什么意思

8. Heat oil for searing the steak in a large no tick skillet over high heat.

9. Malfoy turned the parchment back over and began working his way down the list, making a tick every so often.
    Malfoy 翻过那张羊皮纸,开始从上往下研究那个名单,然后动不动的就在上面做上个记号。

10. This cash grant money, both for housing and livelihoods, should begin helping small local communities tick over in time and rebuild, bake and fish.

11. They took and shoved the bag through a rip in the straw tick that was under the feather-bed, and crammed it in a foot or two amongst the straw and said it was all right now, because a nigger only makes up the feather-bed, and don't turn over the straw tick only about twice a year, and so it warn't in no danger of getting stole now.

tick over 词典解释

1. tick over的解释

1. (引擎)空转,低速运转
    If an engine is ticking over, it is running at a low speed or rate, for example when it is switched on but you are not actually using it.

    e.g. Very slowly he moved forward, the engine ticking over.

2. (人、系统、业务)慢吞吞地工作,进展缓慢
    If a person, system, or business is ticking over, they are working steadily, but not producing very much or making much progress.

    e.g. The market is at least ticking over...
    e.g. It keeps you ticking over, stops you being complacent.

tick over 英英释义


1. run disconnected or idle

    e.g. the engine is idling

    Synonym: idle
