





thwarted 基本解释
挫败;阻挠( thwart的过去式和过去分词 );使受挫折;<旧>横过;
thwarted 网络解释

1. 挫败:thwarted 挫败 | elaborate 详尽阐述 | allude 婉转提及

2. 挫败的:13. Exeter:埃克塞特市,位于英国英格兰西南部,是德文郡的首府. | 14. thwarted:挫败的. | 15. stock prices would plunge:牲畜价格会大幅度下跌.

thwarted 单语例句

1. The example often cited is China National Offshore Oil Corporation's thwarted attempt to buy Unocal in 2005.

2. Portman will play heroine Catherine Earnshaw, who falls for Heathcliff in a passionate love that is ultimately thwarted.

3. thwarted的近义词

3. The British government unveiled its plans in the wake of the thwarted Christmas Day bombing of a passenger plane bound for Detroit.

4. The Indian navy said yesterday it thwarted a pirate attack on a Norwegian tanker in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia.

5. Mallorca had gone close on three occasions but were thwarted each time by Iker Casillas.

6. There have been a number of thwarted or failed attacks in Britain since the 2005 commuter bombings.

7. The two days of spectacular attacks followed a thwarted triple suicide attack at a gate to Baghdad's fortified Green Zone government compound on Thursday.

8. thwarted

8. Stanfield's attempts at escape and rescue are continually thwarted as Cox forces the computer expert to transfer 100 million dollars to his overseas account.

9. It also bears witness to the intrinsic and often thwarted rebelliousness of the citizens of Cork.

10. Authorities several months ago thwarted a plot by a militant separatist Corsican group to attack the same building.

thwarted 英英释义


1. disappointingly unsuccessful

    e.g. disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions
           their foiled attempt to capture Calais
           many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers
           his best efforts were thwarted

    Synonym: defeated disappointed discomfited foiled frustrated
