1. 快速公路:如高速公路(highway)、快速公路(expressway)、收费高速公路(turnpike)、直通快速公路(thruway)、大路(parkway)等. 在这些公路上行使,时速必须限制在每小时五十五英里以内. 另外,所有偶数号(even numbers)的公路均为东西向(East-West),
2. 高速公路:thrusting 推 | thruway 高速公路 | Thucydides 修西得底斯
3. 通路:thrust surface 推力面 | thruway 通路 | thumb latch 门闩
4. 高速公路/快速公路:thrusting /自作主张的/盛气凌人的/ | thruway /高速公路/快速公路/ | thu /星期四/
1. 高速公路
A thruway is a wide road that is specially designed so that a lot of traffic can move along it very quickly. It is usually divided along the middle, so that traffic travelling in one direction is separated from the traffic travelling in the opposite direction.
1. Most Brussels civil servants support welcoming Turkey, a Muslim ally and future thruway for gas coming from the Black and Caspian seas.
1. a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
Synonym: expressway freeway motorway pike state highway superhighway throughway