throw a fit

throw a fit [θrəu ə fit]  [θro e fɪt] 

throw a fit 基本解释


throw a fit 网络解释

throw a fit

1. 发脾气:Chatter:喋喋不休地谈. | Throw a fit:发脾气. | Slop put:溅溢出.

2. 大发脾气:on such a short notice 突然地 | throw a fit 大发脾气 | speak of which 说到这里(开始另一个话题的有用句子)

3. 同义:Hit the ceiling. 大发雷霆. | 同义: throw a fit | You don't seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲.

4. 发作起来:24. realize on one's credit 赊帐买东西 | 25. throw a fit 发作起来 | 26. impose upon them 欺骗他们

throw a fit 单语例句

1. throw a fit的解释

1. It comes from another type of emotional disorder because it's not just, if I don't get what I want I throw a fit.

throw a fit 英英释义


1. get very angry and fly into a rage

    e.g. The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question
           Spam makes me go ballistic

    Synonym: flip one's lid blow up hit the roof hit the ceiling have kittens have a fit combust blow one's stack fly off the handle flip one's wig lose one's temper blow a fuse go ballistic
