
threadbare [ˈθredbeə(r)]  [ˈθredber] 

threadbare 基本解释

形容词陈旧的; (衣服等)穿旧的; (衣料等)磨得很薄的; 老一套的

threadbare 相关例句


1. He wore his coat threadbare.

threadbare 网络解释


1. 穿破旧衣服的:thread-needle 小孩游戏 | threadbare 穿破旧衣服的 | threaded newsreader 线程化新闻阅读器

2. 毛绒已磨掉而露线的:thrasonical 夸口的 | threadbare 毛绒已磨掉而露线的 | threadcomputing 运作

3. 露底;毛绒磨损(织疵):修布边装置 thread trimming device | 露底;毛绒磨损(织疵) threadbare | 线环切断装置 thread-chain cutter

4. 陈腐的:23.Outdated 过时的 | 24.Threadbare 陈腐的=banal | 25.Two-edged sword 双刃剑,指有好处也有坏处

threadbare 词典解释

1. (衣服、地毯等)破旧的,磨薄的,陈旧的
    Threadbare clothes, carpets, and other pieces of cloth look old, dull, and very thin, because they have been worn or used too much.

    e.g. She sat cross-legged on a square of threadbare carpet.

2. (活动、想法、论点)无力的,不充分的,陈旧乏味的
    If you describe an activity, an idea, or an argument as threadbare, you mean that it is very weak, or inadequate, or old and no longer interesting.

    e.g. ...the government's threadbare domestic policies.

threadbare 单语例句

1. The children wear threadbare clothes and use poor stationeries so as not to ask their families for money to buy new ones.

2. He transcribed the history of ancient dynasties from threadbare books into his computer.

threadbare 英英释义


1. repeated too often
    overfamiliar through overuse

    e.g. bromidic sermons
           his remarks were trite and commonplace
           hackneyed phrases
           a stock answer
           repeating threadbare jokes
           parroting some timeworn axiom
           the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

    Synonym: banal commonplace hackneyed old-hat shopworn stock(a) timeworn tired trite well-worn

2. having the nap worn away so that the threads show through

    e.g. threadbare rugs
