
thinker [ˈθɪŋkə(r)]  [ˈθɪŋkɚ] 


thinker 基本解释


名词思想家; 思考者

thinker 网络解释


1. 思想者:而学生是活动的主体,思想者(thinker),操作者(doer),参与者(participant). 老师与学生的关系由演讲者与听众的关系转化为指导者与表演者的关系.

2. 翻译专栏:教育程度有用词汇:Thinker翻译专栏:教育程度有用词汇 | education 学历 | educational background 教育程度

thinker 词典解释

1. 思考者;(尤指)思想家
    A thinker is a person who spends a lot of time thinking deeply about important things, especially someone who is famous for thinking of new or interesting ideas.

    e.g. ...some of the world's greatest thinkers.

thinker 单语例句

1. It also documents historical events and such figures as novelist and thinker Lu Xun and Chairman Mao Zedong.

2. Being a descendant of China's greatest thinker, he put the experience into the context of comparative cultures.

3. Snoopy is a great thinker and would like to spend the whole day daydreaming, lying on the roof of his doghouse instead of in it.

4. Confucius is considered by many to be the greatest thinker and educator that China has ever produced.

5. The updated family tree of the thinker has more than 2 million members, in China and all over the world.

6. thinker什么意思

6. Lecturer Xie Tian teaches a module on the great thinker who lived in the fifth century BC.

7. Clinton made a methodical case for Obama, describing him as a strong thinker with smart policies.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. It also documents historical events and figures such as novelist and thinker Lu Xun and Chairman Mao Zedong.

9. Our hopes rest on Professor Zhu because we share his stout resistance to bureaucratization, and admire his record as an independent thinker.

10. Another is sitting down, ruminating as in Rodin's The Thinker.

thinker 英英释义


1. an important intellectual

    e.g. the great minds of the 17th century

    Synonym: creative thinker mind

2. someone who exercises the mind (usually in an effort to reach a decision)
