
thermal [ˈθɜ:ml]  [ˈθɜ:rml] 



thermal 基本解释

形容词热的,保热的; 温热的


thermal 网络解释

1. 温度场:力学渗流(THM)耦合是温度场(thermal)、渗流场(hydrological)和应力场(mechanical)三相耦合问题中的一个重要组成部分. 其中,作用在节理上的垂直和剪切应力可以在很大程度...

2. 高温:最后,则是无可避免的挑战,亦即对于高温(Thermal)的解决办法. 在单位面积输出信道的增加以及高操作频率的发展下,伴随而来的IC高温产生的问题, 成了迫切需要解决的课题. 解决方式分为两个方向,一是减少晶粒热的产生,

3. 热:孔弹性理论的限制,目前采用的是线性的弹性(elastic)模式,但实际上地震引起地下水位变化可能是弹塑性(elastic-plastic)或是黏弹塑性(visco-elastic-plastic)的变化,或是加入热(thermal)的模式,所以在现地(field)解释上有困难;

4. 散热:其增益为:因此单端式(Single-end)放大器输出功率=(Vpeak)2/2Rload桥接式(BTL)放大器如图2所示,由两个单端式(Single-end)放大器以相差180 组成,故其增益为:散热(Thermal)考虑在设计单端式(Single-end)放大器或是桥接式(BTL)放大器时,

thermal 词典解释

1. thermal

1. 热的;由热引起的;温度变化引起的
    Thermal means relating to or caused by heat or by changes in temperature.

    e.g. ...thermal power stations.
    e.g. assistance with repair, thermal insulation and improvements to homes through Government grants.

2. (小溪、浴水)天然温热的
    Thermal streams or baths contain water which is naturally hot or warm.

    e.g. Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools.

3. thermal的解释

3. (衣服)保暖的,御寒的
    Thermal clothes are specially designed to keep you warm in cold weather.

    e.g. My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks...
    e.g. I put on my thermal leggings, long socks and the rest of my clothes.

4. thermal是什么意思

4. 上升热气流
    A thermal is a movement of rising warm air.

    e.g. Birds use thermals to lift them through the air.

thermal 单语例句

1. China has been promoting desulfurization equipment at its thermal power plants, but only 5 million kilowatts of capacity has been outfitted since 2000.

2. The company's experience in transporting thermal coal to major power companies in Japan means it could adapt easily to serving Chinese utility companies.

3. thermal

3. CMI plans to continue its development in China in partnership with Chinese companies, including the expansion of its thermal and chemical range of solutions for steel industry.

4. The factory chimney of CHD's old thermal power plant used to be an eyesore.

5. thermal的解释

5. A great deal of wind power is wasted during the winter season, when thermal power generators are used to supply heat for most of Inner Mongolia's residents.

6. The field has a rich reserve of coking coal, which can be used in steel production or as a substitute for thermal coal.

7. Shenhua will explore an area of 190 sq km near Gunnedah in New South Wales, where there are thought to be shallow thermal coal resources.

8. thermal的解释

8. The company relies on its abundant coal resources, intellectual property and thermal power competitiveness to implement a resources conversion strategy.

9. Coal takes up 70 percent of China's primary energy output and consumption and thermal coal is a major part of coal resources.

10. The extremely low temperatures were needed to reduce the amount of thermal vibration of the cobalt atoms to practically nil.

thermal 英英释义



1. rising current of warm air


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1. caused by or designed to retain heat

    e.g. a thermal burn
           thermal underwear

2. of or relating to a hot spring

    e.g. thermal water

3. thermal

3. relating to or associated with heat

    e.g. thermal movements of molecules
           thermal capacity
           thermic energy
           the caloric effect of sunlight

    Synonym: thermic caloric
