theory of game什么意思
1. 博弈论:如博弈论(theory of game)本身就是从研究游戏规则开始,具有很强的趣味性与实用性. 当然数学家佚事也会是不错的主意;将数学史引入课堂也已被证明会起到很好的效果.
2. 竞赛理论:函数论 theory of function | 竞赛理论 theory of game | 推理论 theory of inference
3. 对策论,博奕轮:theory of function 函数论 | theory of game 对策论,博奕轮 | theory of limit 极限理论
1. Last year's " Game Theory " expresses The Roots'views on the state of the world through 14 hard hitting tracks.